Friday, 17 August 2007

Beautiful animation - Konzerthaus Dortmund


Anonymous said...

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year, may all your wishes come true!

Anonymous said...

There are many interesting here. Hope to see some more in future

Anonymous said...

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Kataranova. The rise in prices and strikes and consistent opportunities to save money. "The savings rate is for a very low level, but an objective reason for this - lack of effective instruments of accumulation for broad segments of the population," - said the expert. For example, according to the Center for Macroeconomic Research at BDO Unicon in June profit through investing have brought nothing but invest in real estate and depersonalized metal accounts. equal to one and the other option can not be called accessible to the general population. At the same time savings to bank deposits brought only losses, and for all types of currencies. According to experts, now is the essence - a stable macroeconomic environment, be that economic profit would affect the broadest segments of the population, as well as bast plestlko its individual groups. in addition, requires that in Russia to form a positive image of a wealthy man. Many Russians still consider how to get rich through honest it is impossible, mostly if we disagree about the older generation. "It is important that the state has shaped the system unjustly called social mobility" - says Kataranova. As planned for next year, according to the program "finlikbezu" population, the experts say about how many top class must get sick finger, and then is already starting to teach people how to spend money. Because of the fact how about a wife of Russians agreed to a survey does not use financial services, is not so much a lack of knowledge about them, how many elementary lack of funds. "Without confidence in the future can not change the situation with the use of financial services rather than savings, voluntary retirement savings and investment, there is no chance to get sick in confidence - a vicious circle" - sums up Kataranova in an interview with RBC daily. Collage "Komsomolskaya Pravda"Similar records:

[url=http://DUSPLITFINA.INFO/index/hundreds_of_people_attended_the_funeral_of_solzhenitsyn.php]Hundreds of people attended the funeral of Solzhenitsyn[/url]

Taking this opportunity