Friday, 13 July 2007

Trembling rocks

This house has been in the Du Gres family for 500 years now. Located right in the middle of the Sidobre, their garden is full of huge granite boulders. They even have some trembling rocks. Quite literally. Not far from this house, there's another trembling rock, it's quite a sight when an old granny suddenly comes out of her farm house, then starts moving a huge boulder weighing a couple of hundred tonnes. Afterwards, she walks around holding out her little basket, until everyone has put some money in.

Here's a snapshot of their back garden (about 300 hectares), although I'm not sure if these rocks tremble.

This is a typical French sausage, called a saucisse de Toulouse. It's now on the barbecue, but it took a bit of struggling to get up all wound up.

After it had been cooked:

Nice shoes!

My brother, my sister, my dad and me on yet another granite boulder

I just wondered why they decided to build a door there of all places. Normally doors are on the ground floor, that way there's no drop. ^^

Their house:

This is the same photo as the one a few before, but guess what's missing.

Herne having a siesta after having eaten a big lunch. He even sleeps with his football ^^

A couple of farm houses somewhere in their garden.

2 ferrets: